The use of ISINDEX tags in HTML documents provide an easier way to supply into to our scripts.
With the addition of an ISINDEX tag returned in the HTML code sent by your .script files, you can create a simple text field facilitating input. After the end-user enters text into the field created by the ISINDEX tag, the script is called again and the the input is assigned to the http_search_args
variable. The script hello-world-04.script illustrates this point:
This script works by first checking the value of-- define the standard HTTP header set LF to ASCII character (10) set CR to return set CRLF to CR & LF set http_10_header to "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" & CRLF & ¬ "Server: MacHTTP" & CRLF & ¬ "MIME-Version: 1.0" & CRLF & ¬ "Content-type: text/html" & CRLF & CRLF if http_search_args = "" then -- http_search_args is empty; request input via ISINDEX return http_10_header & ¬ "<html>" & ¬ "<head>" & ¬ "<title>Hello!</title>" & ¬ "<isindex>" & ¬ "</head>" & ¬ "<body>Hello! What is your name?" & ¬ "</body>" & ¬ "</html>" else -- http_search_args has value; return all variables return http_10_header & ¬ "<html>" & ¬ "<head>" & ¬ "<title>Hello!</title>" & ¬ "</head>" & ¬ "<body>Hello!" & ¬ "<p>http_search_args: " & http_search_args & ¬ "<br>path_args: " & path_args & ¬ "<br>post_args: " & post_args & ¬ "<br>method: " & method & ¬ "<br>client_address: " & client_address & ¬ "<br>username:" & username & ¬ "<br>password: " & password & ¬ "<br>from_user:" & from_user & ¬ "<br>server_name:" & server_name & ¬ "<br>server_port:" & server_port & ¬ "<br>script_name: " & script_name & ¬ "<br>content_type: " & content_type & ¬ "<br>referer: " & referer & ¬ "<br>user_agent: " & user_agent & ¬ "</body>" & ¬ "</html>" end if
. If is it empty, then the script returns an HTML document containing the ISINDEX tag in the head of the HTML file. The existence of this tag automatically makes an input field active on the end-user's client application.After the end-user enters some data into the resulting input field, the client application appends the input to the script's URL and sends the URL back to the server requesting processing. Notice how the URL changed to include your input.
Finally, the script executes again, but the second time http_search_args
has a value and the second half of the if-then-else statement is processed.
This technique is echoed in the following script emulating that popular song, "The Name Game":
-- define the standard HTTP header
set LF to ASCII character (10)
set CR to return
set CRLF to CR & LF
set http_10_header to "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" & CRLF & ¬
"Server: MacHTTP" & CRLF & ¬
"MIME-Version: 1.0" & CRLF & ¬
"Content-type: text/html" & CRLF & CRLF
if http_search_args = "" then
-- http_search_args is empty; request input via ISINDEX
return http_10_header & ¬
"<html><head>" & ¬
"<title>Play the Name Game</title><isindex></head>" & ¬
"<body>" & ¬
"<H1>Play the Name Game</H1>" & ¬
-- get our name
set theName to word 1 of http_search_args as string
-- initalize some variables for the next routine
set foundVowel to 0
set theCounter to 0
set theSuffix to theName
-- work through the name until we find the first vowel
repeat until foundVowel is greater than 0
-- increment our counter
set theCounter to theCounter + 1
-- get the next character
set theCharacter to the first item of theSuffix
-- check whether or not it is a vowel
if "aeiouy" contains theCharacter or "AEIOUY" contains theCharacter then
-- found it, exit
set foundVowel to 1
-- left-hand truncate the name
set theSuffix to items 2 through length of theSuffix as string
end if
end repeat
-- compose the ryhmes
set ryhmeOne to "B" & theSuffix
set ryhmeTwo to "F" & theSuffix
-- return the lyrics
return http_10_header & ¬
"<html><head>" & ¬
"<title>The Name Game</title>" & ¬
"<body>" & ¬
"<h1>The Name Game</h1>" & ¬
"<blockquote>" & theName & ", " & theName & ", Bo " & ryhmeOne & ".<br>" & return & ¬
"Bananna fana, Fo " & ryhmeTwo & ".<br>" & return & ¬
"Fe Fi Fo, " & ryhmeTwo & ".<br>" & return & ¬
"<strong>" & theName & "</strong>!" & ¬
"</body>" & ¬
end if
Again, the example is rather trivial. This script first defines an HTTP header. It then examines the value of http_search_args
. If it has a null value, then an ISINDEX query is returned to the client. If http_search_args
is not empty, then the script searches for the first vowel in the returned string and thus creates the ryhmes. Finally, the script returns the lyrics.
The point is that you can get input from the use of an ISINDEX HTML tag placed in the head of your HTML documents. You can then examine the value of http_search_args
to perform some function and return the results.
Eric last edited this page on September 26, 1995. Please feel free to send comments.